- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui calculator with Feng Shui arrangements


South East South South West
2 9
Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day Put a glass of water.
7 5
Put a glass of water.
9 7
Put a few round shape stones.
9 (fire) produces 2 (earth) indicates stomach illness more toward mother and old lady. 5 yellow (earth) produces 7 (metal) helps to suppress 5 yellow. 5 (earth) produces 7(metal) indicates mouth, throat disease. 9 (fire, middle-age woman) 7 (metal, young girl, prostitute, mistress). Beware of man indulge in extramarital affairs. If star 5 flies in indicate sexually-transmitted diseases. Fire Hazard.
East West
1 8
Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day
3 1
Put 1-2 pink packets.
5 3
Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day
8 (earth) destroys 1 (water) middle son indicates bad luck to middle son and Ear, blood, kidney, bladder (urinary) disease. 1 (water) nourishes 3 (wood) which produces human disharmony. 5 (earth) 3 (wood) conflicting it indicates injury, bad luck, and money loss.
North East North North West
6 4
Put a glass of water.
8 6
Put a glass of water.
4 2
Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day
6 (metal) conflicts with 4 (wood) eldest daughter. It indicates lady will suffer illness. 8 (earth) in harmony with 6 (metal). Indicate promotion and wealth. 8 (young man) and 6 (father) implies young man grows. Use water to capture wealth. 4 (wood, old woman) conflicts with 2 (earth,eldest daughter). It indicates mother and daughter conflict. Put metal to control wood and weaken earth

a pink pillow or anything that is pink or red in color.

8 white pebbles.

a glass of water.

a bunch of six metal keys or a mechanical music box.

a brown card.

a plant. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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