- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Money problems and your BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny

Sunday, 26 April 2009


There are people who are always have money problem and always run out of money. I am not saying that thay are lazy, not working but they have their monthly income but somehow money is just not enough. Some wasted their money in a reckless and foolish manner, some even cheated by their friends.

Are they spending too much? Saving too little? Or they just can't help it.

As a matter of fact, you like it or not, how much money you will earn, how much money you can save are all relected in you BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny Natal chart plus your 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun").

In oder to get rich, your wealth stars must be strong and healthy. Healthy? It means not warring with their neigbour and hurt. Not only strong and healthy, they must also have support in term of stars that produce them. If your wealth stars are Zheng-cai 正财 or Pian-cai 偏财 then you need Shang-guan 伤官 or Shi-shen 食神 . If you sre strong wood daymaster, earth is your wealth stars and therefore you will need fire to produce earth.

You will be poor if your wealth stars are exhausted and injured.

Now take a look at the following chart. He was born on 10 February 1956.

BaZi Money problems bankruptcy
Chart 1. In his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny Natal charts, he has two wealth stars "Direct wealth" Zheng-cai 正财 at month heavenly stem and year earthly branch.

1. He has two wealth stars, one at month heavenly stem and one at year earthly branch. You must have tought that he has a Strong wealth luck, right? Wrong.

2. His wealth stars are battling with their neighbour and exhausted.

3. He will face financial disaster if his wealth stars are killed during a particular 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun")

BaZi Money problems bankruptcy
Chart 2. His wealth stars were totally exhausted at the fourth 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun").

1. His third and fourth "Ta Yun" are both in blue. These are his bad luck cycles.

2. He was facing financial disaster during the period from 1994 to 2003.

3.He was declared bankrupt in 1996.

Bankruptcy: A predestined fate? Can we change the outcome if we know it is coming? - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
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