- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

He chose to invest in his worst 'Ta Yun'. He lost a lot of money.

Sunday, 30 August 2009


Can I be an entrepreneur and open my own shop? What type of business should I do? When do I open my store for business? Is now the correct time? Will I make money? How much money will I make? These are among the most common questions asked.

A general answer is if you are in your lucky Ta Yun which allow you to do business, you can choose the type of business that you like most, the business that you are well-versed of and you will make money.

If you are not in your lucky Ta Yun, you can still do businesses, but you must have a few years of lucky years. For example, if your 2012 is good for you, make sure at least the following 3-4 years are good. And after these 3-4 years, make sure the following years are not dire and will force you to end your business.

There are some cases, where a person opened his own shop in one particular year when wealth stars arrived, running the same business day in and day out, making money every month (even not a lot of money but just enough for his whole family) and being doing the same routine for 20-30 years. This is because they do not have any particular Ta Yun that are extremely bad or any particular Ta Yun that are very lucky. All are average Ta Yun.

You must remember not to open your own shop in your money losing Ta Yun your 10 years luck cycle. Even if the first 2-3 years shows money luck, the following years will most probably not so favorable and will force you to close your business. This is especailly true whe your BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny does not have strong wealth stars with strong supports and foundations. Without strong support, your wealth stars are easily exhausted or injured. This will reflected in you losing a lot of money. This is exactly what happened to our friend here.

He is a strong daymaster.

fengshui Bazi - started his own business in the wrong time
Chart 1. His fifth "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle.
His worst Ta Yun. Both stars were printed in blue.

About his fifth Ta Yun.

1. His fifth Ta Yun was his worst Ta Yun in his entire life. Both stars were printed in blue.

You might want to ask. His Ta Yun with "Direct wealth" Zheng-cai 正财 sitting at his heavenly stem and "Direct wealth" Zheng-cai 正财 is his wealth star. Why was it became a money losing Ta Yun? The reason was because it combined with other star and manage to transform into "Friends" Bi-jian 比肩. If it fail to transform, it will be much better. Money star was taken away and this only meant one thing, his money was taken away. This is one of the many beauties of BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

fengshui Bazi - started his own business in the wrong time
Chart 2. His 10 years in his fifth "Ta Yun 大运".

About his 10 years in his fifth Ta Yun.

1. Even in his worst Ta Yun, the first 2 years shows supports for his wealth stars which allowed him to open his own saloon. He opened his own shop in 1995. Take note that both heavenly stems are printed in red.

2. His wealth star was suppressed in 1996. 1996 was a tough year for him. His business was struggling to survive.

3. Year 2000 was another bad year for him. He chose to end his saloon business.

4. After ending his saloon business, he tried his luck in stock investments. But very unfortunate, he lost more than 150K in 2001. Year 2001 was the worst year in his fifth Ta Yun!!

He chose to invest in his worst year and in his worst Ta Yun. Was this another coincidence? - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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