- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Period 9, the world and 2024 JiaChen 甲辰 Dragon year

Monday, 20 November 2023


This year 2024, after LiChun 立春 which start from 16:37pm Feb 4, 2024 is the first year of Period 9. This Period 9 last until 12.45 pm, 4 Feb 2044.

 2024 甲辰 JiaChen Dragon year 八字 BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny Patt Chee

In these 20 years, Flying Star #2 - Sickness 二黑 Earth is at West and the Flying Star #5 - Misfortune 五黄 Earth is located at the North. Looking back at Period 8 the last 20 years Star #5 at South West, natural disasters being happening at SouhWest which include Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and with Star #2 at North East which include North and South Korea are not peaceful and a lot of man caused calamities.

In the coming 20 years, with Flying Star #5 indicating that North region will see more natural disasters. These include Mongolia, Russia, North region in China like Xi’An, Canada and Alaska. With Flying Star #2 indicating that West region like Middle East, Western Europe stretching into Atlantic Ocean and Western region of Us and Canada.

This year 2024, Flying Star #5 at the West, with Period 9 Flying Star #2 indicating natural disasters and conflicts in the Middle East. This need special attention, precautions and awareness.

Flying Star #2 located at the South East, with Period 9 Flying Star #8 withdrawing wealth star, guard against man-caused issues. South East in general South East Asia, Australia and islands in the Pacific Ocean.

2024 is the first year of Period 9, indicating major changes, 5 – 6 years of disorders and chaotic. After 2028 should have a more stable and peaceful environment.


Star #1 - Romance 桃华星 Water with Period 9 Flying Star #7, encourage Tao Hua Peach Blossom, reputation and status.

South East.

Star #2 - Sickness 二黑 Earth with Period 9 Flying Star #8 withdrawing wealth star encourage wealth and Star #2 indicating illness. At the same time, earth meets earth 土土相并 need precautions against earthquake. These include South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.


Star #7 - Robbery 破军星 Metal with Period 9 Flying Star #4, metal clashes with wood, indicating robberies. This include Indonesia. Travelers need to be more cautious with their belongings.

South West

Star #9 – Celebration is current Period Star indicating more activities. These include India and west of Indonesia.


Star #5 - Misfortune 五黄 Earth with Period 9 Flying Star #2 indicating natural disasters and illness. These include Middle East and Western Europe.

North West

Star #4 - Academic 文昌星 Wood with Metal with Period 9 Flying Star #1, encourage education, culture and literacy.


Star #8 - Wealth 左铺才星with Period 9 Flying Star #5 encourage economy but need precautions against natural disasters.

North East

Star #6 - Military 武曲星 Metal with Period 9 Flying Star #3 encourage promotion and transfer. But with metal-wood clash indicating disputes.


Star #3 - Dispute 争斗星Wood indicating disputes, with Period 9 Flying Star #9 can discharge wood and wood produces fire indicating improvement and development. These include all inland and alpine district. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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