- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Landform (Shapes and forms) in FengShui - Shape of Land and House. Part 5 of 8

Sunday, 28 September 2008


Are square and rectangular plots of land better than a triangular plot of land?

Generally the answer is yes because square and rectangular plots of land are easier to harness Qi or energy. The productive Qi that is preferred, is based on the balance of Yin and Yang elements. Regular plots fulfill the requirement of Chinese Ancient Art of FengShui which emphasis the ‘four gold point’ meaning four regular corners. Most Feng Shui techniques are also based on the ‘four gold point’ principle and a ‘North-South’ facing house is mush preferred. Therefore, they stand to benefit more from a Feng Shui perspective.

However the art lies in how we make use of the land. Even a triangular piece of land can be used to harness great wealth. Experienced Masters would apply a certain technique of a land form to harness wealth. The art is to know where to build the facade and location of the door. The door can be position to maximize the energy.

Beside triangular land, irregular shape land plots can also be cleverly demarcated to harness the energy flow of the land. You can also design the building to compensate for the ‘disadvantages’ of the land.The art is not about following a bureaucratic system or a standard operational handbook to harness energy but to concentrate on enhancing the beneficial details of the land and/or removing any Sha Qi in the vicinity. It is more important to know how to use the land wisely. It is not about lights and mirrors.

Not all rich and famous people live on regular plots of land. This speaks volume by itself.

Anyway, at the end the best plots of land are still those that are rectangular or square with a larger area at the back than at the front to provide protection in the Black Turtle position. Ideally the land should slope gently from back to front, but if the gradient is too steep and there is nothing to protect the house chi quickly rolls away, draining the good fortune from the site.

The plots of land illustrated here is used to read on detached houses, small rows of houses, or apartment blocks.

Two considerationbeing taken into in. First, creating the balance between the building in relation to the surrounding land and Second, the ability of Qi to circulate freely.

Figure 1. Rectangular plot of land with a larger garden at the back of the plot.
Left : Better overall balance. The garden at the back is larger that the front and with more plants and trees which offer greater support and protection and rouding off the edges.

Right: The large, flat, and featureless garden at the back provide lesser support and protection. Give the house some support with features such as plants, trees, bushes, a rounded gazebo, small trees, or an ivy-covered fence.

Figure 2. Smaller garden at the back.
Left : With a smaller garden, do not overfeature the space with trees, plants, sheds, etc. Put a round rock as extra support and protection (at least twice the size of our palm).

Right : The back and front of this house faces sharp comers, so round off the pointings with a reflective scree, ivy-covered fence or bushes.

Figure 3. Rectangular relatively longer plot of land.
Left : The garden proportions are balanced and thus, this layout is good. The house is given plenty of support at the back from the large garden, while the trees soften the edges and shield the house.

Right : Certainly, the lacking of space in front of the house is not beneficial. If there is open land beyond the front garden this will balance off the site. If there is a road nearby, erect a small screen of bushes and curve the pathway leading to the front door to create the illusion of distance.

Figure 4. Triangle plot of land.
Left : The pathway to the house should not lead directly from a corner to the house but rather curve gently towards the house. A bagua mirror over the front door will help deflect any negative influences.

Right : Adding to sharp corners or blocking them off with plantation or garden structures such as a greenhouse or shed, lessens the knife-like effect and eases the flow of chi around the house.

Figure 5. Triangle plot of land.
Left : The front is much larger than the back. This plot of land is not beneficial. Occupants are having difficult time sustaining their wealth. If you have a plot of land as shown in the left, you can soften the borders to create a curved effect, allowing chi to flow more smoothly. Trees or fencing can be used as shields, but be careful they are not so large that they overpower the house.

Right : With straight lines accentuating the angular shape, these enable chi to move much too quickly, and destructive energy will gather in the corners.

Figure 6.Irregular plot of land
In the plot of land shown in the left, the curved borders enhance the flow of chi at the front. Although the shape is irregular; a balance is created. as the garden is in proportion to the size of the house.

As for the one on the right, the house faces a rounded edge, which is positive, and also has balanced space surrounding it, but it would help to strengthen the back corner with a border; shrubs or rounded gazebo.

Figure 7. Circular plots
Circular plots are good in feng shui. There are no sharp corners to trap chi, and thus it is able to flow smoothly around the site, allowing it to be at its most beneficial. However, it tends to gather wealth and losing wealth at a faster pace. Therefore, occupants should move once wealth has being made.

If the house is located on a very small plot of land it can use the land and buildings on neighbouring plots to provide balance and support.

Assess the whole plot of a house or apartment block surrounded by buildings. Ideally the buildings should echo the animal spirit formation.

Square- or Rectangular-Shaped Houses

This is generally the ideal shape for properties. However, this doesn’t mean the property must be an absolute square or rectangular shape. Some chipped off sectors are fine as long as the missing sector does not constitute more than one-third of the property. Then it is not actually considered as missing. There are more projected out.

L-Shape houses

Try avoid L-Shape houses. In Feng Shui, an L-shaped home is considered unlucky, inauspicious or unfortunate. L-shaped homes imply that something is “missing” or unbalanced, especially if the L represents a “missing” section rather than an extension. If the L-shaped extension is exactly 50% of the total length of the home, this too, can create imbalance.

An L-shaped house is where the centre of the property ends up being outside of the property. The centre of any property is known as the Heaven Heart and is the core of the house’s Qi, which is an extremely important sector. Once the core has been shifted to the outside of the house, it is no longer protected and the Feng Shui of the home instantly becomes unfavourable. An L-shaped home with a bedroom, kitchen or dining room in the extended area can cause marital discord and a lack of family unity. Other rooms in this area can cause a loss of concentration, failures at work, and financial difficulties. Occupants here will feel extremely agitated and unhappy.

To remedy this situation, the best way is to demarcate the property into two sections – divide the L-shaped house into two individual rectangular or square blocks with an internal wall connecting them. Other alternative include (however these remedies does not necessary work for all as depending on other factors)

1. Use living chi, in the form of a tree within the missing area of the L.

2. Point a spotlight up in the missing area

3. Place a fountain or statue in that area to “connect” it visually to the rest of the home.

With these remedies, an L-Shaped home doesn't have to mean bad Feng Shui luck, but this structure is best avoided if possible.

Pyramid-Shaped Properties

Properties with such shapes denote strong Fire Qi, and are usually preferred for spiritual purposes. This sort of property shape is only suitable for occupants who can use Fire Qi or for certain businesses – and only if the internal usage of the Water element is correct and the interior layout is correctly aligned.

U-Shaped Houses

In general, a U-shaped house is not good if it is very small as this indicates a missing sector. But if it is a large house with many rooms, it is acceptable because the U shape becomes like the equivalent of a left and right embrace.

All it needs is to internally divide the property into three wings using internal doors and thus ensuring the Qi is intact and balanced. A U-shaped house with no internal demarcation has a missing body of Qi in the house, which could bring calamities. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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