- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
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> Feng Shui > Basic Fundamental

FengShui mistakes even wealthy people make - Road on your left

Tuesday, 17 October 2023
441 viewers.

FengShui mistakes even wealthy people make - A busy road or highway on your left.

‘House ..
FengShui mistakes even wealthy people make - Road on your left

The importance of Qi 气

Thursday, 10 August 2023
465 viewers.

In FengShui a good house must be able to invite vibrant Qi 气 into the house and this vibrant Qi must be able to settle down for our own benefits.

’ ..
The importance of Qi 气

Qi or energy clashes in FengShui

Friday, 14 April 2023
429 viewers.

Energy or Qi clashes are similar to formal clashes in some ways, but formal clashes induce bad luck by the form and shape of an object while Qi clashes are caused by the strong aerodynamics due to energy or Qi flow.

Energy or Qi clashes are commonly due to overactive Yang 阳 energy that can be caused by a sharp corner or busy traffic especially if the curve of the road point to your house. Energy or Qi clashes are associated with the movement of Yang 阳 energy in the air hat goes too fast. That’s why a house is said to be in such a clash if the Yang 阳 energy comes rushing in. Since Qi clashes involve airflow, they can be resolved by the method of covering, blocking and pushing away. ..
Qi or energy clashes in FengShui

Feng Shui : The process of a genuine and an authentic Feng Shui audit

Monday, 1 June 2015
7094 viewers.

Have you ever wonder what is a Feng Shui audit and how is the process? How should it be carried out? Is there really a need to buy those expensive fountain, dragons, tigers, 8 immortals, crystals, jades and Feng Shui ornaments from the masters? For those who are getting married, the process of buying property for the first time and wanted to do a Feng Shui audit for your new home, but are afraid of ending up spending thousands of dollars buying those expensive Feng Shui accessories or items from the master. The same go to those who wanted to buy a new house and stay there and to prosperous. Here, I will share with you how a proper and genuine authentic Feng Shui audit should be carried out so that you know what to look out for the next time you engage a Feng Shui master.

In general there are 2 type of Feng Shui that are currently in the market Classical and the New Age Feng Shui ..
Feng Shui : The process of a genuine and an authentic Feng Shui audit

Sha Qi the Killing Qi.

Saturday, 3 May 2014
9019 viewers.

Some forms of Sha Qi.

Sha Qi in Feng Shui

Sha Qi the Killing Qi.

Main gate, front door and staircase in alignment.

Thursday, 2 May 2013
23940 viewers.

As all “Qi” traveling in a straight line, the rush can be too forceful, a gate, a main door plus a staircase of the house in alignment is considered bad FengShui. When face with such a situation, a temporary measure is to place a screen or partition between the staircase and door. You can also put in some tall plants. A more permanent measure is to move the main door elsewhere, thus breaking the straight line of “Qi”.

If the alignment involved the kitchen door instead of a staircase, the same remedies can be used. You can also hang some hanging plants from the left and right hand side of your kitchen door. ..
Main gate, front door and staircase in alignment.

Too many doors.

Thursday, 26 July 2012
20539 viewers.

“My double storey terraced house has two front doors. One is a wooden door and the other is a sliding glass door with aluminium frame. Both doors open into the driveway. For the good of FengShui which door should I use, should I use one or both doors?”
Too many doors.

Playground II.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012
18964 viewers.

“Two years ago my family and I shifted into a double storey house which faces North. Our house faces a playground which is situated on a higher ground about six feet. Our doors, windows and grilles are black while the front gate is dark gray. I want to know what kind of fengshui has in store for my family and me.”
Playground II.

Playground I.

Friday, 11 May 2012
17065 viewers.

“About four years ago my family shifted into my present house which faces a football field. This football pitch is on the lower ground and about five feet deep. Does it has some severe affects or implications on the fengshui of my house”
Playground I.

Sewage Pond

Wednesday, 25 April 2012
15679 viewers.

“My house is located near a sewage pond. The pond gives off some smeel when the wind blows towards my house. This is an old house and I have been staying there for almost 11 years. My career and finance is always not good and stagnant. My health is also not good”
Sewage Pond

Underground culvert

Tuesday, 27 March 2012
12712 viewers.

“I have been staying in my house a very long time. My house faces an underground culvert which a drain or pipe that allows water to flow under the road into a nearby river. I have read about your article about “money being siphoned off”. Is mine the same case?”.

“During this duration, our money seem to be hardly earn but easily goes in many cases. I have been staying here for almost 30 some years. Almost all the occupants always seem to miss a number here or there in the 4D or 1+3D.”
Underground culvert

Water and fire

Tuesday, 20 March 2012
14672 viewers.

“I have been hit by many bad events since moving into my new house. I am not sure why do I have such a bad luck. My father told me this is due to water and fire clashing in my kitchen. In my kitchen, I have a drain which flows directly underneath my stove or cooker. The water comes from the sink”
Water and fire

Houses that face reservoir and built on stilts.

Monday, 12 March 2012
15285 viewers.

“My wife and I have been facing a lot of quarrels and difficulties in or marriage. Our business also seem stagnant and been going haywire since we moved into our new house”. “Does this have to do with our house’s fengshui? Our house faces a big water tank and the back portion our bungalow stands on concrete stilts?”
Houses that face reservoir and built on stilts.

Split-level houses.

Monday, 5 March 2012
20505 viewers.

If you have a house that is built with a split level and there are a few steps from the main level descending to the next level, you might have heard some scary tales about “descent into hell”.

Well, in Feng Shui, under normal circumstances it is often considered not auspicious that a house be built on a split level where one enters at the main door and then has to descent to get to the rest of the house. This is seen as being a demotion and losing of wealth. If you are looking for new houses and does not want to regret in live, wealth and career, it is best to avoid these types of houses. It is best to choose a house with steps leading upward rather than down from the entrance level. The myth about “descend into hell” is purely nonsense created by some over imaginative mind; you can totally ignore this and do not get carried away or scare by it. ..
Split-level houses.

Qingming Festival (Tomb-sweeping Day) - Wednesday, April 4 2012

Monday, 6 February 2012
11900 viewers.

Qingming Festival of 2012 falls on Wednesday, April 4. Most people will turn up either 10 days before or after this date. In some country, there is holiday during this time like in China , holiday starts from April 2 to 4, 2012..

A warm reminder : Prayer offerings to the departed loved ones who passed away the preceding year (less than one year), prayer offerings at the new grave / urn compartment must be before "Chun Fen" (20th March, 2012), which is two weeks before the actual day.
Qingming Festival (Tomb-sweeping Day) - Wednesday,  April 4 2012

FengShui : Higher road

Sunday, 13 November 2011
7729 viewers.

“I stay in a house where the road outside is higher that the house, Each morning, I have to drive my car up the slope to reach to the main road”

In normal circumstances, it is not very good to stay in a house that is lower that the main road or has the outside main road on higher ground.
FengShui : Higher road

FengShui : Swing

Saturday, 5 November 2011
8272 viewers.

Normally facing a playground is fine in term of FengShui. But this again depend on what you main door is directly facing. The price of houses that are facing playground is normally higher than those which are not.

However, having swings of the playground in front of your house and directly facing your main door have it negative influence in term of fengshui. Imagine whenever a swing is in use and moving, its motions represents a tiger opening its mouth. It is said to face a tiger’s mouth in such a way will experience poor health, accidents, bad luck and some time even death.
FengShui : Swing

FengShui : Sewers

Friday, 14 October 2011
10989 viewers.

In FengShui, one is said to have solid back-up in life when one house is having hill or mountain directly behind one’s house. Of course the hill cannot be too close and too steep.

However, if there is a sewage tank right behind your house, you are looking for troubles. You career will become stagnant and you will be facing financial problems.
FengShui : Sewers

FengShui : Looking for auspicious direction.

Friday, 30 September 2011
11686 viewers.

According to our personal Kua, each one of us will have our own auspicious facing direction. This is for him or her to enjoy better fortune or luck. Assuming that his auspicious direction is north and his house faces south what he can do about it if he is unable to move house?
FengShui : Looking for auspicious direction.

Windfall after doing what the fengshui masters instructed!

Friday, 23 September 2011
10169 viewers.

“I have consulted three FengShui masters about my house”. Each time they mentioned that my house has good fengshui but is missing of Water element. They suggest I place a water feature at the side of my house in order to accumulate wealth” “But whenever my family members and I buy 4D, we always fail to strike the numbers in the sequence that we bought.”

Many people expect magic to happen and goodies to fall from sky into their laps immediately after consulting a fengshui sifu and doing as he instructs. Some even set a yardstick to what they will receive in return
Windfall after doing what the fengshui masters instructed!

When to introduce Metal and Fire? Flying star school of Feng Shui - Annual antidotes.

Friday, 24 June 2011
10388 viewers.

The FengShui of a house is influenced by the external environment which is divided into tangible and intangible forces around us. The tangible environment include all the forms and shape around us, like tall buildings, mountains, railways, bus stations, doors, windows and so on. The intangible forces refer to the forces that we cannot see; unseen influences like Flying stars. Physical environment will affect the respective stars in the flying star birth chart.

Feng Shui flying star 2 and star 3
When to introduce Metal and Fire? Flying star school of Feng Shui - Annual antidotes.

When to introduce Metal? Flying star school of Feng Shui - Annual antidotes.

Friday, 17 June 2011
9971 viewers.

According to the nature of flying stars, their good and bad effects will have a time frame which can last a month, a year and as long as 20 years. It is extremely useful when attempting to diagnose both the good and the bad luck months of each year. In order to confirm the good or bad, you have to know how to interpret the combination of stars. The relationship of flying stars are an important consideration as it has different influences on each palaces of the original birth chart of your house. Another useful method in applying flying stars in feng shui is to use the birth chart together with the annual and monthly stars of all the different sectors of your home. Annual stars and monthly stars can affect both the Mountains and Water stars. The Mountain star governs the health and family harmony while the Water star governs wealth and prosperity.

Feng Shui flying star 2 and star 5, star 5 and star 9
When to introduce Metal? Flying star school of Feng Shui - Annual antidotes.

When to introduce Water? Flying star school of Feng Shui - Annual antidotes.

Thursday, 9 June 2011
10437 viewers.

Each year the annual Flying Star flies into your home and creates some really bad vibes for your family. The strength of the annual stars influence depends on its interactions with the residing stars of the palace. Therefore, proper remedies and antidotes must be applied to the afflicted sectors.

Today, I will start with Water. Feng Shui flying star 6 and star 7 and Feng Shui flying star 2 and star 7.
When to introduce Water? Flying star school of Feng Shui - Annual antidotes.

About San Niang Sha in FengShui.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
17108 viewers.

According to legend, San Niang 三娘 was stunningly beautiful, in Chinese we called her beauty as 倾国倾城 which means her beauty causes the downfall of cities and countries. She wanted to marry her Mr. Right but no one know what was the reason that she did offended the God of Marriage and this cause her unable to get marriage in her entire life. San Niang wanted revenge and she vowed to create havoc at every marriage.

Therfore, in ancient Chinese, couples try to avoid San Niang Sha days which falls on the 3rd, 7th, 13th, 18th, 22nd and 27th day of every lunar month.
About San Niang Sha in FengShui.

BaZi, FengShui and our luck

Friday, 23 October 2009
9494 viewers.

Do you believe that Feng Shui has some influences on our luck? Consider FengShui as our environment. For you who are living in a developed nation and are havng very good luck, and now almost whatever you wish come true and if and only if you live in another part of the world that suffer poverty, famine, and war, do you still think you will have all the luxury?
BaZi, FengShui and our luck

BaZi, FengShui and our personality

Friday, 16 October 2009
8960 viewers.

Have you ever noticed that people from different areas of the world or even within the same country behave differently? It this beacuse of the different environment that the people being living in? Do the mountains, rivers, modern architecture, modern buidings and the house that we live in play any roles in these difference? ..
BaZi, FengShui and our personality

When you DO need a Feng Shui master

Thursday, 5 March 2009
9476 viewers.

There are many who are confused or not sure when should they call in to get a feng shui help. In many occasions the help come in too late to have any major impact.

For example, a young boy have being very depressed for more than two years without any obvious some reasons. He also has a kind of suicidal thoughts. Luckily his father called in for help. The reason is that outside his bedroom's window, there was a old tree with some old branches which formed some kind of hanging rope. At night whenever there are lights, a shadow of hanging rope is reflected on his bed!. ..
When you DO need a Feng Shui master

When you DO NOT need a Feng Shui master

Wednesday, 25 February 2009
9937 viewers.

Have you ever wonder why some people always have the luck. They must have used super fengshui or consulted a grandmaster of BaZi. They must already know what to do. Is this always true? No it is not true. If this is true, all fengshui and bazi master are millionaires.

The reason is their luck is high. Their Four Pillars of Destiny is superb and currently at their lucky cycle the decade 10 years luck (大运 "ta yun"). If this is the case nothing can stop you.
Bazi decade 10 years luck  大运
Chart 1. A 40 years of continous good luck. ..
When you DO NOT need  a Feng Shui master

Various approaches to feng shui cures (1)

Monday, 5 January 2009
9715 viewers.

In Flying Star Feng Shui practice, we can take the following approach: 1. Harmonise or balance out a conflict 2. Avoid untimely star 3. Make use of your existing features and environment It is very important to avoid the untimely stars like 2,5, and 3. It is bad if we open our doors in these areas, having our master bedrooms at these places, put the kitchen or stove at these locations, which will bring problems to the occupants. ..
Various approaches to feng shui cures (1)

Flying Star flight sequence

Sunday, 28 December 2008
9024 viewers.

This position of the numbers in the diagram thus changes from Age to Age from year to year, from month to month, even day to day. This chart is called the flying star chart .It is by such methods that we can assess the fortune of a building and predict happenings within it. This technique of the flying star was a well kept secret in the past. ..
Flying Star flight sequence

How to take house's facing direction.

Saturday, 20 December 2008
9686 viewers.

You now need to know how to use a lou pan to take the necessary basic readings needed for the Flying Star Feng Shui. Regardless you are lucky to have a good luo pan, made one yourself, or have a hiking compass, you have to get familiar with it. The following instructions apply to a proper lou pan. If you are using a trekking compass, skim down until you find the those instructions instead. ..
How to take house

What is Feng Shui - Feng Shui Theory and Feng Shui Tools, Cures and Tips

Friday, 12 December 2008
9232 viewers.

So what is Feng Shui? This is a simple question that can be difficult to answer. Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,500 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that focus on how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. ..
What is Feng Shui - Feng Shui Theory and Feng Shui Tools, Cures and Tips

Flying stars, 8 Mansions, Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny. Which one should I use?

Tuesday, 1 July 2008
17527 viewers.

There are so many theories of feng shui. For beginners it will be hard trying to understand the different methods of looking at feng shui. Getting more confused when trying to get the answers from reading books. ..
Flying stars, 8 Mansions, Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny. Which one should I use?

Checklist for Feng Shui practitioner.

Monday, 10 December 2007
8951 viewers.

Below is a check list to help you. For Flying Star; Find out the facing of your main door. This is the most difficult task. Determine the age or period of the building. Check to ensure that the flying star chart is drawn according to the sitting and facing of the building Check out the layout plan acording to scale. From the flying star chart determine the sector of your main door to determine the feng shui. Check the furnishing in the house and record this on the plan. Take note of the critical areas that require attention. ..
Checklist for Feng Shui practitioner.

Feng Shui concept of the universe.

Sunday, 2 December 2007
8671 viewers.

During the ancient period, Chinese people belived their theories about nature based on the dualism of yin and yang. They believed that everything possessed a positive male bright side called the yang, but at the same time had a negative female dark side , known as yin. These aspects are complimentary and integrate with each other, and is believed that harmony can only be acheived with a balance between the two. This is cleary reflected in the Tai-Chi symbol showing the black and white sides of a circle merging into each other. Such a philosophy is fundamental to Chinese culture. ..
Feng Shui concept of the universe.

Fengshui concept of time - Time Dimensions.

Saturday, 24 November 2007
8584 viewers.

The universe is by no means static and natural influences change with the passage of time. Consequently feng shui must also change over time and neither its good nor bad influences can last forever. As such, a proper feng shui theory must incorporate the element of time and should be able to trace the pattern of change over time. ..
Fengshui concept of time - Time Dimensions.

Fengshui concept of the space.

Friday, 16 November 2007
8738 viewers.

According to ancient Chinese myths, 6,000 years ago, King Wen was sitting by the banks of River Luo when a giant tortoise emerged from the river. Inscribed on its huge back were circular dots of black and white markings which made up a perfect 3 X 3 nine-grid pattern also known as Magic Square, the famous Luo Shu diagram. The Luo Shu diagram has numbers placed in the nine chambers of the Luo Shu grid, which add up to the sum of 15 either horizzontally, vertically or diagonally. The numbers in each square embraces a variety of meanings; they can represent the direction of a compass, signify an element or be attached to a trigram. The Luo Shu diagram show below is used extensively in the Compass scholl of Feng Shui. ..
Fengshui concept of the space.

The Eight Trigram in FengShui.

Friday, 9 November 2007
11176 viewers.

The Eight Trigram or Ba Gua, is an octagonal symbol divided into eight sectors. It comprises eight Kua grouoed around their cosmic pregenitors, Yin and Yang. Each trigram consists of the combination of three continuous or broken lines. The broken line represent Yin and the continuous line represent Yang. Each trigram is assigned a wide variety of meanings, according to the way in which Yin and Yang lines are combined, and then apply to all posibble replationship in life. By using the two types of lines in three different positions, eight possible trigrams are formulated. These trigrams collectively represent the trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man. Each trigram has been assigned a direction, an element and the Yin or Yang characteristic. ..
The Eight Trigram in FengShui.

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 1)

Friday, 2 November 2007
14465 viewers.

Fyling Star Feng Shui is based on the concept that Feng Shui influences change over time. The stars on the Luo Shu square move according to the Age, Year, Month and Day. The first step before setting out is to collect some background information. Step 1 : Identify the period Time concept Determine the reigning period based on the year the house was completed and ready for occupation. Each period consists of 20-year span, taking a total of 180 years to complete one full cycle. Period 6 - from 5th. Feb. 1964 to 3rd. Feb. 1984 Period 7 - from 4th. Feb. 1984 to 3rd. Feb. 2004 Period 8 - from 4th. Feb. 2004 to 3rd. Feb. 2024 Period 9 - from 4th. Feb. 2024 to 3rd. Feb. 2044 ..
How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 1)

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 2)

Friday, 26 October 2007
21552 viewers.

Beside to manifest itself in visible structures such as landscapes and buildings, energy can also take invisible forms. Thus, Feng Shui works not only with visible structures but also with the invisible energy of a particular location at a given time. On the outside, energy vague freely, but when a building is built, it traps or captures the energy of the space it occupies. This encapsulated energy or Qi has the following characteristics: Two space dimensions, determined by the direction on the front and back of the building. A dimension of time, determined by the year when the construction of the building finishes. ..
How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 2)

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 3)

Friday, 19 October 2007
21496 viewers.

Flying star charts reveal a great deal of information in feng shui study. Flying star reveal the feng shui of the whole house and house feng shui is changing yearly, monthly and even daily. In the chinese 100 years calendar, it shown the yearly, monthly and daily star. Here is what a flying star chart look like. It has nine sectors to represent the nine palace of any property. There are 8 direction grids on the sides plus the center. There are 9 numbers in each palace. The large number in the center is the period number of the sector. During the Period 8 - from 4th. Feb. 2004 to 3rd. Feb. 2024, the center large number is always 8. The small number on the right side is the mountain star and signify health and human harmony. The small number on the left is called the water star and signify wealth luck. Thus, when bad star (take number 5 Fatal illness 大病位) fly into a particular sector for example your kitchen, kitchen belong the element fire and number 5 star belong to the earth element, fire produces earth which family members are more easily get sick. ..
How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 3)

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 4)

Thursday, 11 October 2007
21368 viewers.

Combination of flying stars. In Feng Shui , 9 flying stars form special combinations of qi energies in the universe. Below are some important combination in Feng Shui. These Feng Shui combinations can be 1. of Mountain and Water stars, 2. of Mountain and Yearly stars, and 3. of Water and Yearly stars. In Feng Shui, we emphasis stars to be either timely 当令时, it is always a good star even if it is the flying star 5 Fatal illness 大病位. When a star is untimely 失令时, it is always harmful. ..
How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 4)

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 5)

Thursday, 4 October 2007
21070 viewers.

How to read a proper Feng Shui Lou Pan. You now need to know how to use a lou pan to take the necessary basic readings needed for the Flying Star Feng Shui. Regardless you are lucky to have a good luo pan, made one yourself, or have a hiking compass, you have to get familiar with it. The following instructions apply to a proper lou pan. If you are using a trekking compass, skim down until you find the those instructions instead. ..
How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 5)

How to apply Eight Mansions Feng Shui
(Part 1)

Tuesday, 18 September 2007
9685 viewers.

IMPORTANT: You do NOT choose a suitable house section based on your personal or life GUA. This is the MOST COMMON MISCONCEPTION. Your gua number is used to determine your favorable directions not favorable sections of the house. A house has its own chart with 4 good and 4 bad sections just as your life gua or kua has 4 favourable and 4 unfavourable directions. Sections and directions are two different concepts. ..
How to apply Eight Mansions Feng Shui <br>(Part 1)

Auspicious & Inauspicious Charts (Part 1)

Tuesday, 28 August 2007
10394 viewers.

Auspicious Charts Some special flying star charts override the inauspiciousness of the star combinations. "Combination of 10" chart is a type of chart in which the sum of the numbers of the Period Star and Mountain Star(or Water Star) in all palaces adds up to 10. For instance, a Period Star of 4 and a Mountain Star of 6 add up to 10. This means the occupants will generally enjoy good health. A Time Star of 8 and Water Star 2 add up to 10 which generally means the occupants will enjoy good fortune/wealth. ..
Auspicious & Inauspicious Charts (Part 1)

Step by step Feng Shui Do-It-Yourself

Wednesday, 27 June 2007
27839 viewers.

Want to start feng shui and do not know how? Worry no more. In less than 30 minutes you'll know how Feng Shui works, and how to quickly and easily apply it to your own home for increased energy and a more beautiful living space!" Your friends are going to be jealous when they see the amazing transformation inside your home. By using these steps, we included the theory of "The Eight Trigram", "Fengshui concept of the space","Fengshui concept of time - Time Dimensions" and "Feng Shui concept of the universe ". ..
Step by step Feng Shui Do-It-Yourself

8 mansions Feng Shui.

Friday, 23 March 2007
10082 viewers.

In 8 mansions feng shui, all houses and property are divided into 8 sectors based on the kua from the later heaven arrangement. Each kua represent a direction in the compass with 45º per sector. It takes into consideration the sitting and facing of the house but does not take into consideration of the time dimension. 8 mansions feng shui does not regard a... ..
8 mansions Feng Shui.

Combination of flying stars in Feng Shui.

Friday, 16 March 2007
10290 viewers.

In Feng Shui , 9 flying stars form special combinations of qi energies in the universe. Below are some important combination in Feng Shui. These Feng Shui combinations can be 1. of Mountain and Water stars, 2. of Mountain and Yearly stars, and 3. of Water and Yearly stars. In Feng Shui, we emphasis stars to be either timely 当令时, it is always a good star even if... ..
Combination of flying stars in Feng Shui.

What is Feng Shui Flying Star Chart? Is my house Feng Shui good?

Friday, 9 March 2007
10736 viewers.

Flying star Feng Shui charts reveal a great deal of Feng Shui of a house and house Feng Shui is keep changing. In our daily almanac it shows... ..
What is Feng Shui Flying Star Chart? Is my house Feng Shui good?

How to apply 5 elements in Feng Shui. And what to use.

Thursday, 1 March 2007
10732 viewers.

In Feng Shui these 5 elements are wood,fire,earth,metal and water. In Feng Shui, we enhance our life using 风水布局 Feng Shui enhancements and not by displaying auspicious accessories like QiLin, Tiger, and etc. Always use natural remedies in 风水布局 Feng Shui enhancements. These 5 elements... ..
How to apply 5 elements in Feng Shui. And what to use.

Note : At any one time, only the first 50 articles were displayed. There are more in our Archives.

Sunday, 16 June 2024
五月 十一
Inauspicious Inauspicious
"Zhi 执   Initiate"  XinHai 辛亥  day
• Marriage both for legal registration and for religious ceremony
• Signing agreements commercial in nature and less obligation
• Signing agreements that is more on your abligations or responsibilities
• Signing an agreement that will span a long duration or finalise something permanently
• Signing any legal settlement
• Move into a new house
• Groundbreaking
• Seeking medical treatment
• Starting a new job or assuming a new position
• House warming
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.
Today's Gods and Killings 神煞

This is called Yin Qi day.Try to avoid activities of any sort.

Today is a Robbery Sha 劫煞日 day, making this day unsuitable for certain activities. These involve problems during moving or travelling included being robbed or mugged when going to work or losing things when travelling. Do not bank in money today.
Today's Four Pillars of Destiny
  Hour   Day   Month   Year



Today's Flying Star
Month's Flying Star
Year's Flying Star
White Metal star
White water star
Green Wood star
Disputes and Conflicts
Day Flying Stars chart
Month Flying Stars chart
Year Flying Stars chart
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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