- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man. Part 6 of 6. The year when she has her first baby.

Thursday, 29 December 2011
14372 viewers.

After marriage what next? Children of course.

Cathy Tsui Chi-kei (徐子淇) gave birth to a healthy baby girl in 2007 one year after their marriage.

Now look at her BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny chart.

feng shui Bazi profiling on how to marry a rich man
Chart 2. Her first baby year.
BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man.  Part 6 of 6. The year when she has her first baby.

BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man. Part 5 of 6. The year she was married.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011
14474 viewers.

After she has fame and wealth, what next? Marriage? Yes you are right.

Who is she?

She is Hong Kong artist Cathy Tsui Chi Kei (徐子淇). She married Martin Lee Ka-shing (李家誠), the 2nd son of wealthy businessman Dr. Lee Shau Kee (李兆基). Lee Shau Kee is the founder of Henderson Land Development Company Limited, with an estimated personal wealth of US$9.3 billion (according to Forbes 2005, that’s US$9,300,000,000). He is the 3rd wealthiest man in Hong Kong, and his son is going to succeed some of his wealth for sure.

feng shui Bazi profiling on how to marry a rich man
Chart 2. Her marriage year.
BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man.  Part 5 of 6. The year she was married.

BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man. Part 4 of 6. Her wealth in her Ta Yun.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011
14079 viewers.

Even in a particular auspicious and wealthy Ta Yun, there is normally one or two years that you are exceptionally wealthy. If you are lucky you might have more wealthy years. You might wonder whether all auspicious Ta Yun will sure have wealth or money luck. The answer is “not necessary and it depends”. Some have both money and fame and some only have fame but not very wealthy. Only a few have all three; fame, money and authority. What they are having will depend on their BaZi quality and potential and their Ta Yun.

feng shui Bazi profiling on how to marry a rich man
Chart 2. Her wealthy year.
BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man.  Part 4 of 6. Her wealth in her Ta Yun.

BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man. Part 3 of 6. Her fame.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011
15018 viewers.

Being famous has real advantages in marriage especially you want to marry a rich man. The more beautiful, gorgeous and elegant you are the more rich suitors around you. Her Bazi Four Pillars has the potential to be famous and rich; together with auspicious or good Ta Yun she will prosperous.

feng shui Bazi profiling on how to marry a rich man
Chart 2. The Ta Yun that she has her fame.
BaZi : What it takes to marry a rich man.  Part 3 of 6. Her fame.

2012 - 3 Killings San Sha Feng Shui Affliction.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011
17091 viewers.

The Three Killings (San Sha 三煞 in Mandarin) is one of the major afflictions that need our attention before the start of each New Year based on the Chinese Solar calendar. That day is referred to as Li Chun or Lap Chun meaning “beginning of spring” and usually falls on 4th or 5th of February. Hence, it is good Feng Shui practice to update yourself on the incoming year's energies (especially the hostile ones) and have all your cures and enhancers in place by the 3rd February every year. ..
2012 - 3 Killings San Sha Feng Shui Affliction.

2012 - 5 Yellow Wu Wang The Nasty Feng Shui Afflictions.

Saturday, 3 December 2011
11952 viewers.

The Five Yellow or Wu Wang is one of the most deadly annual afflictions especially in years when it flies into Earth and Fire element sectors which enhance its fierce Earth energy. The annual Five Yellow has flown to the southeast (112.6°-157.5°) in 2012 and because the southeast is associated with wood energy. Wood exhausted therefore the strength is reduced. ..
2012 - 5 Yellow Wu Wang The Nasty Feng Shui Afflictions.

2012 Grand Duke Tai Sui and Sui Po Year Breaker from 04 Feb 2012 to 03 Feb 2013.

Thursday, 1 December 2011
23732 viewers.

Who is Tai Sui? In the Chinese mythology, Tai Sui (太岁)) or the Grand Duke Jupiter is actually a position in the celestial heavens which is in charge of the world's affairs for a particular year and determine the annual fortunes of all of us. The Taoist calendar is organized in such a way of 12 "earthly branches" which rotate according to the five elements, resulting in a 60 year cycle. Hence, there are altogether 60 heavenly generals who would rotate to take up this almighty position. In 2012, General Peng Tai (彭泰) takes over the helm from General Fan Ning who ruled over the year of 2011.
Grand Duke Tai Sui Pillar Clashes 天剋地冲
Chart 1. Pillar Clash 天剋地冲. A more serious kind of Grand Duke Tai Sui affliction.. ..
2012 Grand Duke Tai Sui and Sui Po Year Breaker from 04 Feb 2012 to 03 Feb 2013.

Note : At any one time, only the first 50 articles were displayed. There are more in our Archives.

Saturday, 8 June 2024
五月 初三
Inauspicious Inauspicious
"Shou 收   Receive"  GuiMao 癸卯  day
• Marriage both for legal registration and for religious ceremony
• Signing agreements commercial in nature and less obligation
• Signing agreements that is more on your abligations or responsibilities
• Signing an agreement that will span a long duration or finalise something permanently
• Signing any legal settlement
• Move into a new house
• Groundbreaking
• Seeking medical treatment
• Starting a new job or assuming a new position
• House warming
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.
Today's Gods and Killings 神煞

Emptiness day 往亡日. Red Phoenix 朱雀and Grappling Hook 勾绞 stars produce negative qi today. This denotes attraction to petty-minded people防小人,more legal suits, disputes. Avoid this day for any important activities.

Today's Four Pillars of Destiny
  Hour   Day   Month   Year



Today's Flying Star
Month's Flying Star
Year's Flying Star
Red Metal star
White water star
Green Wood star
Disputes and Conflicts
Day Flying Stars chart
Month Flying Stars chart
Year Flying Stars chart
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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