- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2013 Tai Sui Affliction - BaZi point of view.

Monday, 26 November 2012


There have been many questions from those who “afflicted or clash with Tai Sui” in 2013. And many put in the questions in such a way – I am a Snake how is my luck in 2013? Or I am having Pig as my animal sign, how is my luck in 2013? This is a very general way to look at your luck.

We all have 12 characters; 8 characters (that is why it called BaZi) plus 2 characters (Ta Yun) plus another 2 characters from your year pillar. But now you want to based on only 2 characters ie. your year of birth’s animal sign and 2013’s animal sign to decode your luck. Will all Snake or Pig (animal sign) going to have the same kind of luck in 2013?

Now let look at a few people that are “fan Tai Sui” in 2012. Dragon in 2012 is also having self-punishment.

1. In 2012, Mrs. Ng, a Dragon is “fan Tai Sui 犯太歲” (affliction with Tai Sui). She was sick for almost two weeks after Chinese New Year. So you can say that she was sick because she has “fan tai Sui”. This is what we called “Single star” theory or 單星斷事.

2. In 2012, a friend of mine who is also a Dragon. He was sick for 2 days in April. So can we say that it was because of “fan Tai Sui”. Who will not sick for a couple of days. His spending was quite high since after Chinese New Year. He has to repair his house, renovate his office, repair his car and etc. In short a huge sum of money was gone. If this is “fan Tai Sui” it is really very unfair isn’t it? The reason is because his wealth stars being suppressed and not merely “fan Tai Sui”. This is what we called “Two stars” theory 雙星斷事.

3. There is another girl. She met with an accident in 2012 last Sept. Very unfortunate she still in coma. She is also a Dragon. Is this again “fan Tai Sui”? Very unfair, right? The reason was because her useful and favorable stars/gods are strongly hurt when looking at all her stars. This is what I called “6 pillars interaction method” 六柱較量法.

4. Mr. Lee is also a Dragon. But so far nothing bad has happen to him in 2012. He is very healthy, income is quite luxury and having two active kids with a lovely wife. It seems like “fan Tai Sui” is not really matter to him. Why? The reason lies with his useful gods. His useful Ten Gods and favorable Ten Gods are strong and healthy. On top of this all his pillars are intact.

I have provided a real BaZi and his current Ta Yun. His BaZi and Ta Yun are very good. Merely a year of “fan Tai Sui” will not do him much harm.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Tai Sui
Chart 1. His BaZi. A very good BaZi.
All 7 characters (minus the day master) are his favorable or useful gods.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Tai Sui
Chart 2. His current Ta Yun.
"Si" Snake is his most useful gods. Even in Tai Sui year in 2013, it will not do much harm.

Overall, if

1. Your BaZi is good or at least not "sick"– useful gods and favorable gods are strong and healthy,
2. Your useful gods are not combined and taken away,
3. Your Ta Yun is not hurting your useful and/or favorable gods,
4. Your pillars (year, month, day, hour) are intact,

Tai Sui will not have much harm. This apply to both direct affliction - "Si"snake and direct clash "Hai" Pig.

Again, the outcome will need to base on the interaction of your six pillars. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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