- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

BaZi : Rich or poor in 2013? How to see?

Monday, 3 December 2012


There have been many assumptions that people based on single star theory 單星斷事 to see if one particular year is good for them. For example, once they see their money star in 2012, they invested a lot of their hard earned money in the share market hoping to make some good quick cash. But they are not aware that based on single star theory, the chances of wrong interpretation are very high.

For example if you are a weak Water day master, “Friend” and “Rob Wealth” are your wealth stars. In 2013 a Water Snake year you will see your wealth star reveal at stem. Do not jump into conclusion that you are in luck and big money will sure come in to stay. You still have to look at the condition of your wealth star. If you blindly invested a lot of money without looking into the overall condition of your wealth stars, the chances of surprises awaiting you are very high.

"You must make sure that your wealth stars are healthy and protected. Make sure you wealth stars are not hurt. Make sure your wealth stars do not combine and become another type of star."

Now look at one case here. He is a weak water day master. “Friend” and “Rob Wealth” are his wealth stars. His BaZi is quite wealthy.

In 2013 as shown below, his wealth star reveal at stem.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Money in 2013
Chart 1. 2013 before combination.

At one look, he might think that he is in luck.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Money in 2013

Chart 2. 2013 after combination.

In 2013, his wealth star becomes another star and worst the newly created star is his money spending star. He is going to spend a lot of money in 2013 and if he is a big time investor some big bad surprises are waiting for him in 2013.

Therefore, I would want to remind all my readers

"You must make sure that your wealth stars are healthy and protected.


Always look at at least the entire 6 pillars which are Year, Month, Day, Hour, Ta Yun and Yearly and look at all the Ten Gods or what I just simply referred as stars plus their interactions among themselves." - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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