- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

my life in new lp and fire lp s (Bazi)

Member since 14/1/2020

Dear Master,

I was born on 1* december 198* at 8:10 am in a very rich family,but my life isn t so good.

when I was in ji you lp-just 2013,2014,2015 were good,2015-I START to get rich when I receive a big building from my fahter on this dob
ding bing geng yin
you  yin  chen  wei

But WHEN I was i geng xu lp in 2006 and ji you lp start of wu shen lp 2018-father start to get rich 1 digit in profit and turn-over

2016 my wife divorce on me on this date
yin jia wu bing
hai  shen xu shen

and I loose everything due to a lawsuit s from my father in 2019
this is the date when he broke all my bussines-
bing bing jia ji
shen xu shen hai be a clash between hai ji and dm gui si?
2.2019 I become specialist doctor in oncology field but want to give up-want to do dermatology or ophtalmology or radiology-what you think it is suit s me?to remanin in medical field or to switch with something that my chart s will support me actions| wu shen lp since si=bing=from natal chart=wu from lp mean s arrive of my wife?!
4.Will I have a chance to move definetely in usa?my father has 5 factorie s of drug manufacturing but me still I am poor-didn t know what to choose in my life-an wondering life-I wanted to beceome pharmacist...but everytime when I want to do something my parent  s obstruct  my ideeas. fire lp s ding wei bing wu yin si my wealth will grow or fail ??since in xin hai geng xu ji live in poverty(from ji you lp 21-31 just 2013-2015 were very good

Peter Yap

You have strong clash between water and fire in your chart. Fire represents your wealth. Fire is strong but water is also strong.

Your current 己酉 TaYun the clash is even more severe. For this kind of chart especially if you are in business, you must wait for opportunities, grab them when they come then stay low, make some plans and wait for the next opportunities. The chances of lawsuit are high in this TaYun. It is very crucial for you to follow your TaYun and years luck as the tendency of ups and downs, roller-coaster type are high. Get a stable job like what you are now, a specialist doctor and if you want to go into business sort of, wait for opportunities follow your luck.



Dear Master,

Thank you very much for your quick reply....

so my lp wu shen is better than ji you?since wu combine with gui and not clash like ji you lp and hai ji ap,now I am in wu shen lp,I was in ji you lp...
just random an opinion about my new lp wu shen?
in fire lp s will my wealth will grow or fail?

since you clash mao zi,and close chen that is my support by people mena s this period will be great?wu shen lp?
will I marry this lp-since si=bing=wu from lp?

thank you for your precious time.
Best wishes,


how you rating my dm as weak or strong?

if dm was weak than I was not able to make big money in 2013 2014 and 2015,2015 was the best year of my life,prehaps wei mao combine,and yi from ap-2015,attack ji from lp,than gui dm don t see his wall in his eyes anyomore?


if my chart is zi birth mao and in this case ren zi is also me?than we can take ding=father wealth without loose is rooted in si-ji hai in wu shen lp,make that this bing-or goldon ticket to loose his root!

bing bing jia ji
she  xu   xu  hai
hai from ap remove si
xu xu from that day and from month clash chen-and make water very strong and cloose the power of fire
shen from hour make shen zi chen?

anyway in this lp wu shen shen zi chen arrive-how will be?
many thank s again,

Peter Yap

You are a strong 癸 water daymaster.

The ways you look at your BaZi are very confusing, you lump up everything in one without knowing the important, how the elements work etc. and you can be very wrong. You need to have strong and correct fundamentals for this type of BaZi chart.

how you rating my chart?  If you follow your TaYun and years luck, knowing when to strike and when to stay put, it still can be considered as good. If you do it blindly, it can be disastrous.



Thank you very much for your quick reply...

so in the end wu shen lp is better than ji you?
than fire lp s will be good or bad?

if ji you lp ji clash gui and block ren plus ding to combine?and you lp from the branch clash all  4 branch,which was a very bad life for me,
in wu shen lp when wu combine with gui and shen help zi chen ,and with shen-which has hidden ren ,mean s mao or my eg will be able to grow?

thank you,very much

Peter Yap

There are still ups and downs which you will see some obstacles.



So in the end in what lp s should I strike in life?

Peter Yap

Actually you can strike in all your luck pillars aka TaYun BUT THERE IS A CATCH.

In each of your luck pillars, there tend to have 3-4 good years follow by 2-3 bad years. All your luck pillars can be considered as good if you know when to strike and want to have an exit plan and stay low in between all these years. If you are able to do this then all your luck pillars are good but vice versa if you strike on your bad years and stay low in your good years, then they are bad.

In short, you can strike in all your luck pillars especially in your older age if you work toward above.

I am not allowed to go into details here.



In the other word,wu shen is the age when 

can my thoughts really materialize!the start of new era
  1. when you think will I marry in 2023?when will be my nobleman year
  2. will I be able to meet an strong mento


To understand this year geng zi xin chou will be very good,but firsr ap from lp wu shen ji hai is very bad in termn of health and money,because hai clash shen from lp and ji wu claah dm.


To use feng shui s1 the room nw 41 and 8 or money is in this corner and sleep in 4 1 with an aquarium or leave aquarium there and sleep in ne 6 8 star s and this year is star 1 or victory stars?!

Peter Yap

I am not able to go into details here.



Hi Master,

Thank you,understand can I speak with you via this

Peter Yap

Miss Lina, my assistant will contact you.


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